Let Us Support Your Business


Empowering Black Businesses. Advancing Racial Equity.

Membership Benefits

  • Network with Industry Experts

    Network with Industry Experts - access to influencers and experts in the field across Georgia that can help you avoid costly mistakes by share best practices and trade secrets. 

  • Night of Networking

    Night of Networking - join us for our monthly business after hours event where networking and marketing take center stage for your business opportunity. 

  • Marketing and Exposure

    Marketing and Exposure - your business will be listed across multiple platforms including our business directory. Opportunities to advertise on our platforms, reach more customers, develop strategic partners, and expand your revenue base. 

  • Accountability Think-Tank

    Accountability think-tank - never feel alone again as our team will help you map out your goals and help brainstorm for success. Learn how to run and grow a successful business as you benefit from the partnerships and resources provided.

  • Funding Opportunities

    Funding Opportunities - receive regular updates on the latest grants and other funding opportunities.

  • Business Assessment Team

    Business Assessment Team - Our first 90 days SWOT analysis will help your business reach its goals, increase income and revenue, retain and grow your customer base, engage key decision makers and establish a generational legacy. Coming soon!

  • Chamber Vault

    Chamber Vault - access to exclusive videos, webinars, and workshops that are designed monthly for your continued growth and development.  Coming soon!

Mission and Vision

The Southwest Georgia Black Chamber fosters the growth, creation and development of successful business enterprises owned, operated and managed by African Americans and people of African descent in Southwest Georgia.

The Southwest Georgia Black Chamber is a strong force for positive growth in Southwest Georgia. It serves as one voice for many small business persons, using their collective power to influence the course of events politically and socially at all levels including government, business and civic communities.


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